M.Video-Eldorado: we are looking for startups with ready to market products
For the first year of Retail Innovation Tech Alliance (RITA), M.Video-Eldorado's innovative division managed to select more than 20 technological solutions, with which it is actively working. RITA was initiated in February 2020 by X5 Group, Beeline, M.Video-Eldorado Group, and Hoff to scout and adopt innovations. GoTech Innovation acted as a scouting operator in Russia, CIS, Europe in spring and autumn 2020.

Eugenia Barchenko, Co-Founder and COO of GoTech Innovation consulting company talked with Sergey Semenchenko, Senior innovation manager M. Video-Eldorado, to know more about the selection process of startups in the company and to get the answers to popular entrepreneur’s questions:
- what criteria are the most important for the Group when selecting startups
- is it essential to work only with mature companies
- what mistakes were made by startups in their applications for cooperation, and vice versa, how did they manage to attract the attention of the Group's specialists
- what startup solutions have been integrated into M.Video-Eldorado's business
- what technological solutions will be of interest to the Group soon
Go ahead and click the link to read the interview in our Medium.com blog.